BIKAR METALLE honored as world market leader in South Westphalia

The family-run company BIKAR METALLE from Wittgenstein has been recognized as the global market leader in South Westphalia for its leading role in the automation and digitalization of the production of aluminium blanks. For over 60 years, BIKAR METALLE has been supplying customers from all industrial sectors with individually cut materials, including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, special alloys and plastics.

The Managing Director of IHK Siegen, Dr. Thilo Pahl, presented the “World Market Leader in South Westphalia” certificate to Dr. Jonas Weber, Head of Digital Innovation, Dean-Robin Kern, Digital Innovation employee and Vanessa Roth, CMO, at an event. Image rights: IHK Siegen

Vanessa Roth



The BIKAR ZONE: A fully automated cutting centre for aluminium plates. Watch the video on YouTube.